“Shock and awe” when viewing a price tag for a new service is never a good thing. But the cost of a search engine optimization (SEO) campaign can be shocking, especially to those businesses that have not ventured into the world of online marketing in NJ or elsewhere. These campaigns are expensive because they require months of labor-intensive tasks that will work to move your website from invisible to the first few pages of Google search engine results. The shock wears off after giving careful consideration to evaluating what can be gained by appearing on Google’s page 1.
Search engine results on page 1 will direct potential customers who are already interested in your offerings to your website, increasing your sales dramatically. This assumes, of course, that your business has an appealing and compelling website to promote your offerings.
Online marketing in New Jersey (and elsewhere) has matured and developed considerably which means that many NJ small businesses are already using some form of online marketing strategies, SEO among them. The reason for this is that many small business owners understand the upside potential for being easily found in the first few search engine result pages.
With a well-executed SEO campaign, there is no need print ads appearing to thousands of disinterested people. It is far better to appear to those who are already searching for your offerings and who are ready to buy or learn more about your business.
Once established, the costs of an SEO campaign are often more than covered by the increased sales revenue from more visitors to the company website. And, unlike print ads and email blasts, SEO does not target everyone indiscriminately; SEO matches those who are looking for your business’ goods and services with your business.
SEO skills and techniques are a specialty and are usually not found in small business staff. Landau Consulting, a New Jersey SEO company can help your small businesses increase its online presence and improve the bottom line even if you are not in New Jersey.
For more information on SEO costs and benefits, read this infographic.