DBA is a short form for “Doing Business As”. In this article, we will make you understand what is DBA (Doing Business As)? It is a legal requirement while registering your business. DBA is different from the name when business forms, the official name of the company is registered by the name of the person or organization who owns the business. Basically, DBA allows you to operate your business using a name other than your official name or legal name. When any establishment runs a firm using the name which is different from the official name written on its registered documents is said a DBA. At the same time, starting a business either sole or a partnership, an option is given for selecting the DBA name. The payable charges for DBA are not so high. Getting a DBA license is not necessary for all states.
If you want to run a business with a name other than your legal name, then you may have to register for fictitious name depending in which state, city and country you are running your business.
Filling for DBA
Process for filling for DBA is different among different states. Here we will discuss how to file a DBA in Florida? If two businesses have the same name, then it will create a mess in the market, this means you have to go through a database of fictitious name. It helps you to check the availability of a unique name. In a further proceeding, you have to submit the file of paperwork to a Florida state. Online platform name online fictitious name registration service is provided by the Florida state. Filing a DBA in Florida requires that new fictitious names must be published in a newspaper before getting it registered. In Florida, DBA is registered with the secretary of the state.
Starting a business.
Many people in business are unaware of how to start a business in Florida?
- First register your business in Florida with the state’s Division of Corporation. You can also register online by using simple online portal Sunbiz.org.
- Get your business license in the county is preceding step to start a business in Florida.
- Collect and pay the necessary taxes of your business and open a business bank account.
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