One of the UAE’s fastest-growing and largest free-trade zones, the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) Free Zone has more than 12,000 publicly traded enterprises. The government of Dubai launched it in 2002 to create a commercial centre for commodity-related trading. The Financial Times FDI Magazine has selected the DMCC Free Zone as the “International Free Zone of the Year 2015” because of its high level of success.
As many as 2100 new firms are being set up each year in the DMCC free trade zone, rapidly expanding due to its tax-free environment, 100% foreign ownership, and tax-free environment for businesses.
Since it is located near some of the world’s most major business cities, firms may take advantage of more shipping options, UAE free zone comparison allowing them to expand into the booming worldwide markets.
Administrations require DMCC free zone visas for their personnel to be able to do business in the area. We at company setup experts have extensive knowledge of the UAE free zone comparison and can help you with the process. Having worked in the market for many years, we are well-versed in the licencing and setup procedures that are most appropriate for your business needs.
The benefits of setting up a business in the DMCC Free Zone
DMCC Free Zone business registration will allow you to own 100% of your firm as an ex-pat. DMCC’s tax-free status will also help you, as will the fact that you may set up a company there (no personal income tax and as well as there are no corporate taxes). With no restrictions on capital repatriation, establishing a business in the DMCC is advantageous. You will save money on import and export duties if you set up a business in the DMCC. There are various office options in the DMCC free zone for new companies to choose from. In the DMCC Free Zone, companies may make use of world-class infrastructure. Setup in DMCC Free Zone, the fastest expanding free zone in GCC and the United Arab Emirates, can help you build your company.
The following licence types are required for the DMCC business setup.
License to engage in general business activities
Businesses in the free zone may consolidate, distribute, import, export, and store a wide variety of goods with a General Trading License from the DMCC.
License to engage in commercial activity
It is possible to consolidate, distribute, import, export, and store various items under a Commercial Simple Trading License.
It is possible to return all of your money to the United States via the DMCC free zones, tax-free environment and other business-friendly rules. Every investor who wants to set up a business in the DMCC free zone needs DMCC company creation.